Sunday, 13 February 2011

Libertarians are hypocrites if they use the NHS?

I saw the following comment on this post on the Libertarian alliance blog. The general point is that Libertarian minded people (in this case Ayn Rand) are hypocrites for using state funded healthcare etc. This comment by C.H. Ingoldgy (below) neatly sums up my take on it.

"A typical example of a dishonest leftist argument.

The State takes money from you by force and imposes a monopoly of medical treatment. If you then have to use that State provided treatment, which you have already been forced to pay for, then somehow this makes you a ‘hypocrite’ if you disagree with this state of affairs.

According to the leftists, for a Libertarian to be true to his principles he should refuse the treatment he has already been forced to pay and instead die.

A perfect enlightening of the warped logic and fundamental dishonesty of the leftists."

What do lefties expect us to do, we are not driven by dogma. That is their concern. Rational self interest is what generally drives me. As Ayn Rand -who is the target of the original article - put it:

"Whenever the welfare-st­ate laws offer them some small restitutio­n, the victims should take it."

Then of course there is always the character in her novel "Atlas Shrugged" called Ragnar Danneskjold: The pirate who stole back taxes and returned them the rightful owners. Oh arrrgh me hearties.

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